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  1. , No matter what, or how bad tghnis get, donb4t give up on me. I never did, even when tghnis quickly began to fall apart. This reality Ib4m now faced with, I just couldnb4t comprehend then. I guess I figured he would, we would, fight through and beat death..illness because our love was pretty solid. We had remained solid through other tghnis, surely death wouldnb4t even think of coming along and pulling us apart, not yet, not until we were older, that we expected but it did.We donb4t think about death until it shakes our world, itb4s just not something we talk about or want to think about and since this has happened I think why donb4t we, before, so we can have some sort of understanding..something, when it does happen because itb4s a fact of life, it shouldnb4t be whispered about or not even talked about. We learn so many tghnis, maths, science etc, I think something that we should be educated about before, is death. Maybe it would ease some of the shock when it does happen or at least prepare us more. I donb4t know. Itb4s such a huge, ripping thing to happen and it happens every day yet itb4s quietly dealt with. We try to get on and not let it affect those it hasnb4t happened to, so web4re more normal etc and to not upset other people. But itb4s such an important, HUGE, lifechanging thing to lose someone you love it completely changes us as people on so many different levels and to each of us differently.I think since this has happened to me it has shown me that death is a very natural part of life and itb4s completely devasting yet..we never talk about it until it happens. I think we should. Will stop talking now!Big loveFairy-Girlxxxx

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